Alex Bergendorff Ramirez


Grew up in Västervik and has lived in Oslo, Stockholm, Barcelona and currently Visby. Has previously studied art history and is currently studying game design.

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Pelle Forsmark

Project Manager

Grew up in Stockholm, spent past nine years in Uppsala. Has a background in political science, history, and theatre. Currently studying game design and project management.

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Lukas Clausson


Originally from Gothenburg, Sweden, has a background in web design and light application-development, as well as video producing and editing. Currently Studying to become a game programmer and designer.

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Robert Veres 


From Brasov, Romania, with a working background in office administration. Currently studying Game Design and Programming.

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Josephine Bengtsson


A horror game enthusiast originally from Gothenburg Sweden. Has an academic background in Japanese, Psychology and Fictional Writing. Currently studying game design and graphics and working as a game journalist from MindYourOwnGaming.

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Johannes Burström


Originally from Järna, Sweden. Has a background in programming and environment modeling. Currently studying to become a 3D artist.
